It's time to announce that a conjunction of outer planets Saturn and Pluto is coming on January 12, 2020. While that's still 9 ½ months away, we are already getting a preview of how it will be affecting current events right about now. This is because Saturn and Pluto are currently just over three degrees apart, close enough to affect the outer world.
This needs not be as ominous as it may sound. Some of you may have seen the more hysterical side of the astrology world stoke unnecessary fears of the Saturn Pluto cycle. I saw a discussion once where people were convinced that we were approaching the end of the world!
To that, I say: No. Just no.
True, this isn't the most pleasant aspect in the world, but if you're at least 37 years old, you've been through this entire cycle at least once.
Saturn is a planet that some consider The Greater Malefic, but I prefer calling Saturn "The Great Teacher". Now, by "teacher", I mean teacher of the strictest kind. No nonsense, no BS, and no room for error allowed. When your decisions and path are not what they should be, Saturn will let you know in no uncertain terms. However, Saturn is fair, not cruel (like Mars, the "Lesser Malefic" can be at times).
Pluto is a planet that represents the underworld and all things that are hidden. Saturn, when interacting with Pluto, will dig out all of the problems that are already there, but we're not fully aware of. These lessons will be difficult, but collectively speaking, our learning experience can foster incredible growth and evolution if we work properly with these energies.
So, what are we talking about here when it comes to specifics?
Generally, the global economy isn't in the best place at this time. Nor will it be the absolute worst; recessions are common during Saturn – Pluto conjunctions, depressions are not (though the oppositions are a different story, such as when Saturn in Capricorn opposed Pluto in Cancer in 1931-32, the peak of the Great Depression).
Fears of war tend to be elevated around this time as well, as the world order changes. Please note that this may not be your home country; anywhere in the world can be affected. For example, Mars, the planet of war, is retrograde in the US progressed chart and has been since 2006. Few of us who are adults in 2019 will live to see progressed Mars station direct, towards the end of the 21st Century. Note how public support for war has declined starting in 2006. This will continue. If the US goes to war with another nation, it certainly won't be well-received by the public in general. The fear of war, however, may be palpable, as it was during the 1982-3 Saturn – Pluto conjunctions in Libra, and the Cold War had reached its first peak since the early 1960s.
There is one other possibility here. When a planet is retrograde, the energies of that planet become focused inward. Since the 2006 progressed station, we are seeing the US as a country that may already be at war with itself, thanks to an ever-increasing political polarization that has been prevalent for at least the past decade.
Now for something positive. Yes, I *am* that astrologer who will go there, even when Saturn and Pluto are involved.
With the conjunction in Capricorn this time around, Saturn is definitely the stronger influence of the two planets, and I do believe that this is a time when a serious damper will be put on corruption in government. Therefore, we may get a welcome silver lining here. I also believe that the 2020 conjunction will really have us notice the signs of the US's first Pluto Return (if we haven't already noticed, that is), exact in 2022 but whose effects last for several years – 2020 being more than close enough. This, in a few words, will allow us to eliminate what is no longer working in this country and forge a new, more functional path towards the future. That is, if we collectively put in the effort to do that. In 2019, it seems that we're at least willing to have a conversation about it, which to me is promising.
The Pluto Return warrants its own article, and I will write one as we get closer to it, but I did touch on the subject a bit on my old site last summer. You can take a look at that here.
We are most likely to see effects of the Saturn - Pluto conjunction during the lunar cycle beginning April 5, 2019. The New Moon is square Saturn - Pluto, albeit very, very loosely. Increasing turmoil in DC is very likely during this time, both in calling out / prosecution of corrupt government figures, as well as increasingly authoritarian behavior by the powers that be as a response to their potential loss of power. As Mercury sextiles this conjunction during this first week, the news of these happenings will be on all of our lips, more so than usual.
In addition, Pluto stations retrograde on April 24, with the Moon moving over Saturn and Pluto the following day. Saturn follows suit by stationing retrograde on the 29th, while being squared by Mercury. I do believe that this period will be one when US history could be written, with more news of corruption and other bad behavior on the part of those in power, as the energy of outer planets become rather intense around the times of retrograde and direct stations.
As for the US President, whose name you've probably seen enough of today (I try not to contribute to the algorithm), Saturn and Pluto will be parked opposite his Saturn - Venus conjunction. This is unlikely to be a positive or happy time for him. He is likely to feel unloved and cornered, and may react by lashing out proportionately to whatever desperation he's feeling at that time.
After late April, the conjunction will begin to separate, giving us a breather by early summer to prepare for the actual conjunction on January 12, 2020.
I'll continue to update this page over the coming weeks to point out how the Saturn - Pluto conjunction is manifesting in the material world. You can also follow me on Twitter, where I often comment on the current planetary transits.
Until then, think peace, think love, and think positive change - despite a generally bleak vibe out there. To do so may be the revolution we need over the coming three to five years.
Uranus is now in Taurus until 2026. Read about the possibilities for radical economic reform in my article Uranus in Taurus: A New Look At Our Finances