Hello, readers. What a week (or two) this has been! If you read my forecasts regularly, you're probably not surprised. Yet.
In the days surrounding the Sun interacting with the Saturn - Pluto conjunction via square, roughly January 9-15, we saw a push towards authoritarian activities, while simultaneously witnessing the hand of justice smacking down those with corrupt tendencies.
We saw the arrests of Wikileaks founder /alleged US election meddler Julian Assange, whose natal Mercury at 22 Cancer is being directly opposed by Saturn and Pluto, with the Aries sun forming a T-square. (As a side note, this sort of transit doesn't necessarily bode well for one's mental health, to put it mildly. Stories of his behavior while inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London point to possible mental illness, as does this transit for him. This report by The Guardian alluded to his mental decline more than a year ago.)
Also offering the world a brand new mugshot is celebrity lawyer Michael Avenatti, already charged with extortion as of March 25, but last week had many additional charges added as Mercury squared newly-retrograde Jupiter (the law) while the Sun was squaring Saturn and Pluto. Avenatti has also been experiencing a T-square with the Aries Sun and Capricorn Saturn - Pluto against his Midheaven at 24 Cancer. This may very well be the death knell for his career, as he's been indicted with 36 counts of corruption-related crimes. He is facing over 300 years in prison if convicted.
The other events of the dates surrounding April 12 reveal the more authoritarian, violent, and fear-stoking manifestations of the Saturn - Pluto conjunction.
I predicted two forecasts ago that as Mercury and Jupiter squared off at the same time as the Sun's squares of Saturn and Pluto, that a controversial public statement could be made, resulting in a massive (and very unfriendly) conversation between opposing beliefs. This wound up manifesting as a tweet by the US President which edited an out-of-context quote by MN Representative Ilhan Omar, intercut with scenes from 9/11. This link offers a deeper explanation if you need it, and you'll be glad to know that like me, The editors at The Root have shown class by refraining from posting the actual tweet. Whichever side that you happen to be on guarantees that there is a great deal of outrage. It is also evidence of misuse of power by a sitting President, inciting violence and rage against one of his most outspoken opponents. It's the Saturn-Pluto conjunction at its worst.
UPDATE: 4/18: At least Rep. Omar has a sense of humor about it!
And now, back to the present...and the near future.
Last month's Full Moon was in Libra, at 0°. This month's Full Moon, on the 19th, will be at 29° Libra, so there is a second consecutive focus on self vs. relationships. Any issues that came up last month regarding this subject that have been diligently worked on since then will see some resolution around this time. With the Full Moon in th last degree of any sign, there's a feeling of a sense of urgency to move on and get to the next matter.
While this week is a bit less aspect-heavy than your average week, we have a couple of energy shifts as both the Sun and Venus change signs this week. Let's start with the Sun, which enters Taurus early in the morning of the 20th (US EDT). Taurus rules finances, possessions, the economy (including things that sustain us, such as the food supply), and our value system.
As you may already know, Uranus has recently begun a journey through Taurus that will last until 2026. I've written about this recently in another article, which can be found here. The Sun meeting Uranus will shine a light on to all of this, and we could see some big surprises in the outer world regarding all things Taurus.
Additionally, Venus will be semisextile the Sun and Uranus during the conjunction of the latter two. While this is a minor aspect, it will be partile within a quarter of a degree, and Venus' energy will thus be drawn in, even if only slightly. Thus, news of economic shakeups are given heightened possibility. What specifically, though? The stock market? Cryptocurrencies? The Green New Deal?
With Uranus, you never know. We'll just have to see what happens, especially around the 22nd.
Another energy shift is forthcoming, which you may have guessed by my mention of Venus, whose ingress into Aries occurs on the 20th. You may have heard that Venus is in her traditional "detriment" in Aries, but this needs not be a negative, necessarily. Matters of love and finances become more spontaneous and more decisive in Aries - this is often positive. That is, until we move too fast in our relationships or start spending money freely, regardless of how wise a choice that is (or isn't). Therefore, while Venus is in Aries, from April 20 until May 15, times may occur when we'll want to make snap decisions in these areas of our lives, and we'll have to make an extra effort to step back and take a look at how those particular decisions will affect us.
It's worth noting, though, that social graces tend to take a hit when Venus is in Aries. People will probably be more direct than usual with one another, more Martian than Venusian, so watch those words.
The last major celestial event that we'll see this week (and really, all week, and most likely next), is Pluto's annual retrograde station this April 24th - plus, it's important to remember that Saturn, three degrees away, follows suit five days later. Therefore, it's more than likely that for the remainder of the month, the energies of these planets are going to feel stronger than usual.
We're likely to notice a ramping up of Saturn - Pluto events as they station retrograde, with a greater emphasis on revisiting some of our more recent news, particularly what I've mentioned in recent forecasts. Repercussions from misuses of power may develop as well. The 25th is one date to look at for this, as the Capricorn Moon meets with Saturn and Pluto. April 29 - May 3 are other dates, as Saturn stations retrograde on the 29th just in time for Mercury to square the Capricorn planets. May 2-3 could be the biggest of these dates, as the Aries Moon meets up with Mercury to square Saturn and Pluto.
Next week, we'll see where we are with Saturn and Pluto, and their associated news developments, as the ongoing conjunction will be the main aspect in play for the time being.
Until then, have a great week full of love and light.
Full Moon in Libra
April 19 7:12 am (29° 06' Libra / Aries)
Who is most likely to be affected: Those with natal planets or angles near 24-29º of cardinal signs and 0-4° of fixed signs. The same degrees of other signs are affected to a lesser extent.
Sun enters Taurus
April 20 4:55 am
Benefits: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces
Challenges: Leo, Aquarius
Mixed: Aries, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius
Venus enters Aries
April 20 12:10 pm
Benefits: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius
Challenges: Cancer, Capricorn
Mixed: Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Pisces
Sun conjunct Uranus
April 22 7:06 pm (2° 31' Taurus)
Who is most likely to be affected: Those with natal planets or angles near 0-5º of cardinal signs. The same degrees of other signs are affected to a lesser extent.
Pluto stations retrograde
April 24 2:47 pm (23° 09' Capricorn)
You may have heard that Saturn and Pluto are forming a conjunction in early 2020, and that we're getting a preview of what that means right now. Here's some information about that.
Uranus is now in Taurus until 2026. Read about the possibilities for radical economic reform in my article Uranus in Taurus: A New Look At Our Finances.