Welcome back, readers. I'm here to talk about (among other things) the ongoing Saturn - Pluto conjunction and the world events reflecting it.
As I posted last week's forecast, I just missed reporting on the release of the redacted (and somewhat damning) version of the Mueller Report. This immediately led to accusations of a cover-up, and a Congressional subpoena for the unredacted report. As usual for these specific times, this news development follows the Saturn - Pluto conjunction in Capricorn narrative: exposure of corruption while the accused take extreme, authoritarian measures to tighten their grip on power.
Of course, the effects of the Saturn - Pluto conjunction are not limited to the US. For example, there has been increased unrest in Northern Ireland, including rioting in the city of Derry. Lyra McKee, only 29 years old and an up and coming journalist, was shot dead while covering the riots. This article will give more perspective on what happened there. An unfortunate side effect of this aspect is trouble for those in the journalism field (as press freedoms are challenged).
Meanwhile, in Saudi Arabia, 37 people were executed in one day, including one who attended pro-democracy demonstrations a decade ago as a minor - twelve years ago.
The Saturn - Pluto events are currently intensified by the fact that both planets are stationing retrograde. Pluto has already done so on the 24th, while Saturn follows suit on the 29th. As the energies of these planets turn inward, their strength and effects are more obvious. Meanwhile, Mercury will square this conjunction as April turns into May, while Mars is inconjunct (quincunx) Saturn (and Pluto, but not until after Mercury has begun to leave the party). I would expect to see more news and revelations of corruption among those in power, but at the same time, more authoritarian fighting words from the same people. Both things should ramp up starting with Saturn's station on the 29th, while Mercury's interactions with Saturn and Pluto begin.
The week kicks off with a square between Mars and Neptune, or in practical terms, a conflict between quick, decisive action and wishy-washy vagueness. Some affected folks might act fast on something before all the facts become clear. Others may need to make a quick decision, but may be bogged down by worry and/or confusion. The way around these possibilities are through Neptunian activities such as volunteering (actively helping others). Failing that, you may want to wait until the aspect passes by (five or six days ought to do it; as we'll also need to wait for Mercury to aspect Saturn and Pluto around May 1) before making any moves or decisions that can't easily be reversed.
Back to the aforementioned Mercury - Saturn - Pluto action. Jupiter is also brought into the mix as Mercury harmonizes with the planet of expansion and luck while squaring Pluto. Let's talk about how this affects us on a personal level.
All of these aspects - Mercury sextile Mars, Mercury square Saturn and Pluto, Mercury trine Jupiter, and Mars inconjunct Saturn, happen in less than a 48 hour period, so they need to be factored in together.
Saturn and Pluto can affect us in a variety of ways, depending on how it affects our natal charts. Generally, the combination of the two will set up conditions in our lives that show us where we need to make a lasting transformation in our lives, namely by what isn't working for us and needs to be eliminated, making room for something better...better habits, better state of mind, better relationships...it all depends on what part of your chart is affected, if it's affected at all. Generally, Taurus and Virgo will have the smoothest time with this, while Cancer, Libra and Aries will experience more obvious challenges.
Mercury square these planets will communicate where and how we need to back up, slow down, and see how we can do better in the area(s) of life affected. Mars inconjunct Saturn and Pluto will generally indicate a need to find a balance between quick action and careful planning regarding said transformation.
The Mercury - Mars sextile offers us assistance because the harmonization of these two planets allows us to assess our situations with greater clarity and confidence, taking a little bit of stress off of the more challenging aspects.
Finally, Mercury trine Jupiter at the end of the forecast period will assist us with any communications that we need to make around this time. Jupiter is currently semisextile Pluto, which will marginally soften any blow that we might receive from the Mercury - Pluto square.
Next week, Mars will interact with Pluto and Jupiter, while it will be Venus' turn to square the Saturn - Pluto conjunction, while trining Jupiter. More on that in next week's forecast. Until then, have a fantastic week filled with love and light - even if it proves a bit challenging for some of us at times.
All times are in US EDT (UTC-4).
Third Quarter Moon
April 26 6:18 pm (6° 23' Aquarius / Taurus)
Who is most likely to be affected: Those with natal planets or angles near 3-9º of fixed signs. The same degrees of other signs are affected to a lesser extent.
Mars square Neptune
April 27 9:03 am (17° 55' Gemini / Pisces)
Who is most likely to be affected: Those with natal planets or angles near 16-20º of mutable signs. The same degrees of other signs are affected to a lesser extent.
Saturn Stations Retrograde
April 29 8:54 pm (20° 31' Capricorn)
Mercury sextile Mars
May 1 2:37 am (20° 21' Aries / Gemini)
Who is most likely to be affected: Those with natal planets and/or angles near 18-22º of fire and/or air signs.
Mercury square Saturn
May 1 4:49 am (20° 31' Aries / Capricorn)
Who is most likely to be affected: Those with natal planets or angles near 19-23º of cardinal signs. The same degrees of other signs are affected to a lesser extent. Mars inconjunct Saturn
May 1 8:17 am (20° 31' Gemini / Capricorn)
Who is most likely to be affected: Those with natal planets or angles within a degree to a degree and a half of either or both of the aspecting planets.
Mercury square Pluto
May 2 5:51 pm (23° 08' Aries / Capricorn)
Who is most likely to be affected: Those with natal planets or angles near 21-25º of cardinal signs. The same degrees of other signs are affected to a lesser extent.
Mercury trine Jupiter
May 2 11:58 pm (23° 34' Aries / Sagittarius)
Who is most likely to be affected: Those with natal planets or angles near 22-26º of fire signs, and to a lesser extent, air signs.