Welcome back to another weekly forecast here at Astro Almanac.
This week mainly involves Mars and Mercury in Cancer opposing Saturn (and Pluto by extension, though not exact until next week) in Capricorn, while sort-of harmonizing with the Jupiter - Neptune mutable square by way of trine with Neptune and inconjunct with Jupiter, all happening close to the Sagittarius Full Moon.
This activates not only the Jupiter - Neptune square, but also the Saturn - Neptune sextile, exact on the 16th and 18th, respectively.
Mars' turn to contact these outer planets comes on the 14th, but will be in effect all week. Mars trine Neptune is easy enough, giving us the motivation to (in its most constructive form) show our creative and/or compassionate side. It's the sort of aspect where making the world a better place seems like less of an effort. I mention this because Mars will also be opposite Saturn, so using the shadow side of Mars/Neptune (overindulgent in escapist activities such as drink/drugs) will cause us to hit a wall known as Saturn.
Mars opposite Saturn, just on its own, can be an exercise in frustration, because Mars wants to get things done yesterday while Saturn wants us to take our time and do it right. It will be important for us to find a balance between rushing things and being too painstaking.
Finally, Mars and Jupiter will be inconjunct, which will be less obvious than the other aspects, but still worth talking about, as it's one more reason why we'll need to watch our Ps and Qs. The things that we try to get done this week may come with a sense of urgency at times.
Just two days later, Mercury will cover the same ground as Mars, making the same aspects to Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune as Mercury approaches Mars in an exact conjunction on the 18th. Now we're getting closer to the big picture.
Whereas Mars is about action, Mercury is about thought and communication. We will need to put the two together when interpreting the outer-planet aspects.
For example, the Saturn-Neptune sextile is very good for making reality out of our fantasies. If you have a dream goal in life, this week is an extremely dynamic (though tricky) one to work towards that goal. It will certainly be on our minds and tongues (Mercury), and we can certainly follow through by doing (Mars) what we say we're going to do. Just make sure everything is well thought and planned out (Saturn).
The Jupiter - Neptune square is tricker, as it leaves us open to gullibility that we're bound to regret later on. We'll have to be careful in choosing what we say and do this week. We'll have to work not just to get clarity from others, but to make sure we're being clear as well when Mercury aspects these planets.
Now, if that wasn't enough, keep in mind that there's a Sagittarius Full Moon on the 17th, so these themes will reverberate into next week and beyond, until the July 2 Solar Eclipse.
In conclusion, we all may be a bit all over the place this week, trying to balance fun and games with duty. However, the instructions above should be helpful in maintaining that balance. A quick look at the next few weeks shows intensity building towards the two eclipses coming up in July, but parts of next week offer us the opportunity for a breather of sorts.
Until then, take your time, do it right, and have a great week full of love and light.
June 13
Sun inconjunct Pluto
5:44 pm (22° 35' Gemini / Capricorn) Who is most likely to be affected: Those with natal planets or angles within a degree to a degree and a half of either or both of the aspecting planets.
June 14
Mars trine Neptune
2:11 am (18° 42' Cancer / Pisces)
Who is most likely to be affected: Those with natal planets or angles near 17-21º of water signs, and to a lesser extent, earth signs.
Mars opposite Saturn
11:49 am (18° 57' Cancer / Capricorn)
Who is most likely to be affected: Those with natal planets or angles near 17-21º of cardinal signs. The same degrees of other signs are affected to a lesser extent.
Mars inconjunct Jupiter
11:53 am (18° 58' Cancer / Sagittarius)
Who is most likely to be affected: Those with natal planets or angles within a degree to a degree and a half of either or both of the aspecting planets.
June 16
Mercury trine Neptune
7:42 am (18° 43' Cancer / Pisces)
Who is most likely to be affected: Those with natal planets or angles near 17-21º of water signs, and to a lesser extent, earth signs.
Mercury inconjunct Jupiter
8:02 am (18° 44' Cancer / Sagittarius)
Who is most likely to be affected: Those with natal planets or angles within a degree to a degree and a half of either or both of the aspecting planets.
Mercury opposite Saturn
10:00 am (18° 50' Cancer / Capricorn)
Who is most likely to be affected: Those with natal planets or angles near 17-21º of cardinal signs. The same degrees of other signs are affected to a lesser extent.
Jupiter square Neptune
11:21 am (18° 43' Sagittarius / Pisces)
Who is most likely to be affected: Those with natal planets and/or angles near 17-21º of mutable signs. The same degrees of other signs are affected to a lesser extent.
June 17
Full Moon in Sagittarius
4:30 am (25° 53' Sagittarius / Gemini)
Who is most likely to be affected: Those with natal planets or angles near 21-29º of cardinal signs and 0-1º of fixed signs. The same degrees of other signs are affected to a lesser extent.
June 18
Saturn sextile Neptune
7:46 am (18° 43' Capricorn / Pisces)
Who is most likely to be affected: Those with natal planets and/or angles near 17-21º of earth and/or water signs.
Mercury conjunct Mars
12:04 pm (21° 31' Cancer)
Who is most likely to be affected: Those with natal planets or angles near 19-24º of cardinal signs. The same degrees of other signs are affected to a lesser extent.