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Astro Almanac Weekly Forecast For June 19-25

Writer's picture: Sean Fromer HolslagSean Fromer Holslag

Hello, readers! Those of you who follow my posts regularly know that I constantly vacillate between daily and weekly forecasts. I switched back to weekly posts in April, and have honestly been struggling with putting the week's energies together in a clear and concise way. I mean, I do it (I think), but it's difficult and not at all fun.

I do, however, love writing the daily forecasts, as the lunar aspects really help to put all of the other aspects together. Plus, some of you have expressed your preference for this format. However, I don't want to flood you with daily posts.

Thus, here is my newest format - a weekly forecast written in a day-by-day format, including the lunar aspects.

While my posts are going to be somewhat longer on average as a result, somehow they are *so* much easier for me to write. Behold, the new (old) format for your weekly forecasts!

All and any feedback is appreciated.

And now, your forecast.

June 19

BOOM! That's the word du jour as still-conjunct Mars and Mercury complete their interactions with the Saturn - Pluto conjunction by opposing Pluto. These aspects will be strengthened this morning by the Moon, passing through the same degree of Capricorn where Pluto currently is. Thus, pretty much the entire day will be full of the Mercury-Mars-Pluto energy.

What we do and say today will have a lasting impact, so keep that in mind. Mars in the mix may at least partially remove our verbal filters today, which is why it will be important to make our moves carefully - especially those of us with natal planets or angles near 20-24 degrees of cardinal signs.

It's of interest to note, however, that the Moon will be void-of-course from early this morning until late in the evening, so today really isn't the day to launch anything that we want to get off the ground. We're better off keeping a low profile until at least late tonight.

If we're lucky, the void Moon may even lessen some of the impact of Mercury-Mars-Pluto, at least the part where the impact is lasting. It's still smart to be careful out there.

A tense day in the news is also likely, even for these times. This may be when the US - Iran conflict intensifies further, but I hope that I am wrong.

Moon opposite Mars

6:21 am (22° 00' Capricorn / Cancer)

Mercury opposite Pluto

6:55 am (22° 28' Cancer / Capricorn)

Moon conjunct Pluto

7:16 am (22° 28' Capricorn)

Moon opposite Mercury

7:18 am (22° 30' Capricorn / Cancer)

Moon then goes void-of-course until entering Aquarius at 10:00 pm.

Mars opposite Pluto

11:26 pm (22° 27' Cancer / Capricorn)

June 20

While we still have the Mercury - Mars - Pluto energy to deal with, today should feel much less intense than yesterday. The only exact aspect today is a square between the Moon and Uranus this morning. Perhaps whatever mundane events brought about by recent aspects would affect the markets around this time.

Moon square Uranus

8:56 am (5° 31' Aquarius / Taurus)

June 21

We are treated to a preview of the upcoming Venus - Jupiter opposition this morning as the Aquarius Moon harmonizes with both. The two planets will be in exact aspect on the 23rd, and what is actually happening this week is a T-Square between Venus in Gemini, Jupiter in Sagittarius, and Neptune in Pisces.

Over the next several days, the main thing that we're going to have to watch for is overindulgence. This is because Jupiter will expand on Venus' tendencies towards self-indulgence, and Neptune will be making us feel like the decadence on our minds is perfectly all right to partake in. And perhaps it is, but if we're not absolutely sure that it won't get in the way of our responsibilities, Saturn will let us know in no uncertain terms. This is because Venus is also inconjunct Saturn, particularly around June 22-24.

As for today, the Moon is void of course for exactly 24 hours starting at 10:01 am Eastern Daylight Time, while Neptune stations retrograde (which is what has been contributing to the general confusion and brain fog that we may have been experiencing lately). So, if there WAS a time that we could possibly get away with playing hooky from life, it's today.

Just try to be careful with spending, though. This is not a configuration that supports being responsible with finances, but it is one that will make us regret a lack of responsibility in this area.

Go out and enjoy the first day of summer (in the Northern Hemisphere, of course) if you can. We can get back to work tomorrow.

Moon trine Venus

3:41 am (14° 56' Aquarius / Gemini)

Moon sextile Jupiter

10:01 am (18° 06' Aquarius / Sagittarius)

Moon then goes void-of-course until entering Pisces the following day at 10:01 am. (Exactly 24 hours. Not a typo.)

Neptune Stations retrograde

10:35 am (18° 43' Pisces)

Sun enters Cancer (Solstice) 11:54 am

June 22

If you've just read the forecast for June 21, you know that the same applies today, except that we're probably going to have to power through our day, despite our urges to do the opposite.

The Pisces Moon harmonizes with the Sun midday, allowing a nice balance between our ego and our emotions. This water trine also makes our intuition stronger than normal.

Finally, the Moon and Uranus are sextile tonight, offering a chance at an emotional breakthrough of some sort.

Moon enters Pisces

10:01 am

Moon trine Sun

11:57 am (0° 57' Pisces / Cancer)

Moon sextile Uranus

9:24 pm (5° 37' Pisces / Taurus)

June 23

Today is the more intense version of June 21, with many of the same energies in play. Venus exacts her opposition to Jupiter and inconjunct to Saturn today (and her square to Neptune tomorrow). Meanwhile, the Pisces Moon aspects all of these planets over a very short period in the late evening. Again, watch the following: your spending, your assessment of a potential new love, and any inclination towards responsibility shirking. Scroll back up to June 21 for more.

Venus opposite Jupiter

12:44 pm (17° 50' Gemini / Sagittarius)

Moon square Jupiter

10:03 pm (17° 47' Pisces / Sagittarius)

Venus inconjunct Saturn

10:31 pm (18° 20' Gemini / Capricorn)

Moon sextile Saturn

11:09 pm (18° 20' Pisces / Capricorn)

Moon square Venus

11:13 pm (18° 22' Pisces / Gemini)

Moon conjunct Neptune

11:55 pm (18° 43 ' Pisces)

June 24

Think back to about five or six days ago, when Mercury and Mars were both conjunct and opposing Pluto. Any problems caused by hasty or harsh words can be turned into a learning experience today as the Moon harmonizes with this now-separating configuration. In other words, we can step back, look at the situation, and see why it happened and how it can possibly be corrected.

And, once more, the rules for the Venus-Jupiter-Neptune T-Square are still in effect.

Venus square Neptune

5:58 am (18° 43' Gemini / Pisces)

Moon sextile Pluto

7:17 am (22° 22' Pisces / Capricorn)

Moon trine Mars

1:21 pm (25° 23' Pisces / Cancer)

Moon trine Mercury

7:10 pm (28° 16' Pisces / Cancer)

Moon then goes void-of-course until entering Aries at 10:37 pm.

June 25

Today offers just a bit of a breather after the plethora of challenging aspects of the past week and a half. Early on, we have the tensions of the Third Quarter Moon in Aries, when our home and family obligations might briefly feel daunting by the need for self-care. Otherwise, a largely uneventful day.

While next week is relatively aspect-free, it ends with a Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Cancer on the 2nd of July. Those of us with natal planets or points from 5-15 degrees of cardinal signs will begin to see signs of this over the coming days. More on this in next week's forecast.

Until then, have a great week full of love and light, and happy navigating through a relatively challenging week of planetary configurations.

Third Quarter Moon

5:46 am (3° 34' Aries / Cancer)

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