If you follow astrology even just a little bit, you know that we're in the middle of another Mercury retrograde.
You probably also know that it's been especially difficult not to notice this time around. In our personal lives, it isn't necessarily a bad thing. For example, Mercury's placement in Pisces has been helpful for many of us, as it allows us to 'go with the flow' and allow our minds to relax to where we can more easily look at our daily occurrences through a different lens.
It has also manifested in a very interesting, very Mercury retrograde in Pisces sort of way, which is easily seen by taking a look at the news. I'm talking about the exposure of lies and deception, always a possibility when Mercury is retrograde, but especially when the messenger is in Pisces.
This began the day after Mercury's directional switch, on March 6, when former Donald Trump attorney Michael Cohen testified before Congress, not only exposing previous deceptions of all kinds, but opening up a new set of questions without any real obvious answers (yet).
Fast forward about a week, when the entire college admissions scandal broke. Several dozen people have been charged with buying their children's way into colleges that they were far from qualified for, even going as far as paying people to take their admissions exams such as the SAT and ACT. This includes high profile people such as actresses Felicity Huffman, as well as actress Lori Laughlin, famous for playing Aunt Becky on Full(er) House.
We now have about ten more days of Mercury retrograde, and while I'm usually loath to make predictions during times like these, there are some obvious things to look for in the coming week or so.
By early Thursday morning (in the Americas), Mercury will be within two degrees of Neptune, ruler of all things Piscean. He will station direct a week later, less than a degree from Neptune, (and less than a degree from the March 4 New Moon in Pisces, another contributor to these exposed lies) and take another week to move forward and away from Neptune.
Are you starting to see what I'm getting at?
Again, I'll stop just short of making any solid predictions, but don't be surprised if we suddenly see the exposure of lies, deception and secrets being ramped up significantly starting later this week. Since Mercury and Neptune will also be almost exactly semisquare Uranus, we may be in for some real surprises as well. New developments in the he-said, they-said Jussie Smollett case? More revelations about the powers that be in Washington, or...well, by the looks of it, anywhere? Other nations are dealing with scandals of their own as well - not just the US.
And now, I shall pivot to something a little less heavy than lying politicians and deceitful celebrities, allegedly or otherwise.
For personally wishful reasons only, I'll hope that maybe one of the surprises will be the renewal of the super-inclusive Netflix series One Day At A Time, suddenly canceled last week (during the retrograde *eyeroll*), and causing a huge backlash by the show's very dedicated fans.
Any decisions made during Mercury retrograde are likely to be revisited - and we're talking about a TV sitcom, involving Mercury (communications) and Neptune (creativity, fiction, visual arts). Maybe Lin-Manuel Miranda's efforts to find a new home for the show will pay off. Again, I'm coming from a place of wishful thinking here, but the upcoming energies *could* possibly reflect a change in heart on the part of Netflix.
I'm always good for a nice, pleasant surprise, after all.
Follow me on Twitter, where I just started a discussion about how this retrograde is affecting us personally.